donderdag 20 februari 2014

Pino-goes-Burma party

                                                                               Dear family & friends,

On the 2th of November 2014 I will start a new life in Myanmar.
To thank you for all your support, love & friendship  I rented the farm "De Wierschuur" on the island Terschelling from friday 5th till 7th September to celebrate life!

The actual party starts on the 6th of September. This is an invitation to invite you and I hope to see you there between 14.00 and 16.00.
We start with a drink and we eat dinner together. Afterwards we celebrate life. You can sleep over in the farm and the next morning we eat a lovely breakfast together.  Afterwards all hands are needed to clear & clean the farm, so your are welcome to stay :-)

From friday 5th of September we can come to the farm to build up the party, together with friends & family who would like to help either. Do you want to be there too? Please let me know...
Everybody can stay over to sleep (from the 5th on)!

Below you find all information you need. Do you miss something or do you have questions? Please call (+316 - 24 17 09 49) or mail me carolinegrijsen @

Please will you let me know as soon as possible if you can come? 

So I can count you in for the food & a place to sleep... and I can take special wishes in to account.

Where is the party?

De Wierschuur
Oosterend 28
8897 HZ
Oosterend Terschelling 

How to get there?
In short: with train or boat to Harlingen. From ther on you can catch the boat to West-Terschelling. There you can rent a bike or take bus 120.  

Book your passage
Don't wait too long with your reservation becasue of the summerseason. You can book your passage Rederij Doeksen. EVT is now runned bij Rederij Doeksen, its not possible to book there anymore. Tickets already bought from EVT are still valid.  

The last crossing on the 6th of September (to be in time for the party) is with the ferry from 13:15 at Rederij Doeksen. The passage takes in most cases two hours!

Plan your trip
Take care that you will be in Harlingen-Haven an half hour before the passing takes place. On this page you can find all the information you need to get to Harlingen-Haven. If you want to park your car look here. (parking ‘Tsjerk Hiddes’ is the cheapest). The ferry from Rederij Doeksen do you reach through the ferryterminal. The EVT-ferry you can find on the right of the ferryterminal.  

On the island
You arrive at the harbor of West-Terschelling. De Wierschuur is in Oosterend, exactly on the other end of the island. You can reach it by bus or by bike, see route:
By bus: Bus 120 drive to the Wierschuur, there is only not an official stop. So tell the bus driver you need to get of at the party in the Wierschuur, he will drop you just around the corner of the Wierschuur.
Do this, else you have to walk quite some time with all your luggage!

By bike: If you leave the ferry you will find Rijwielverhuur Tijs Knop direct across the road. Rent a bike there, they will drive your luggage for free to the Wierschuur. The route will take approximatly 45 minutes (15 Km). Go from the ferry to the right and take the bikeroad across the Waddenzee which you can follow all along. The road on the dike end at the Wierschuur. Route by bike
By car: If you take the car on to the island, take your right when you leave the ferry. Follow the signs to Oosterend and drive the road all the way. De road ends at a dyke. You can park there at your right. If you need to drop your luggage you can drive over the dyke and drop your luggage at the farm. Route by car 

Arrived on the island
With the bike you arrive at the Wierschuur from the dyke.
When you come out of the bus or you have parked your car, take the stairs over the dyke, go to the right and you will see the farm.


The Wierschuur has four spacious, simple but nice equipped sleeping rooms with six luxurious bunk beds. Everyone will have their own sleeping place.
Take at least with you a sleepingbag (or duffet), sheet to lay on and a pillowsheet). The spacious bathroom is around the corner. To take a shower you need  €0,50 coins. Please take some of these with you.

Trade & Donate
On this Pino-event there is of course the famous trade-table. It works like this: Take something with you (preferrably something small else you need to carry it with you all along) you don't need anymore or like to trade or give away. Leave this object on the trade-table and take something else nice with you.

At parties is common to give presents. Not for me anymore since I let all material things go. But on this table there will also be a box where you may leave a donation for supporting me in my adventure to Myanmar.

Small letters
There are some rules on the area due to legislation and personal choice: 

Camping is not allow around the farm.

Animals can't be taken to this area, please leave them home (with enough food).

For the smokers among us: there will be a smoking-area, please don't smoke outside this place.

There will be no alcohol since I don't drink myself anymore.
I will arrange great alcoholfree drinks... people who really can't do without, may bring their own liquor.

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